Our HPC & BMD squads spent some time on the weekend Connecting to Culture with Walk on Country guided by the Traditional Custodians Uncle George Tonga & Antwinette Vanderwolf along with Respected Elders Aunty Marion Healy, Aunty Fiona Bobongie & Aunty Seini Willett
The teams were Welcomed with a Smoking Ceremony performed by Brendan Bishop and son Hughie and participated in a Setting Circle, introducing protocol and processes, Checking In by sharing who they are (name), where they’re from (blood connection and heritage) and how they’re feeling.
After a morning of learnings, the teams ended the day with a Check Out of how they’re feeling, one powerful learning, and what takeaway will they put into action.
The enriching journey allowed players and coaching staff to connect more on a mindful and respectful level and gave a sense of belonging.
This was made possible with the funding support provided by the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DATSIP).